Sunday, December 27, 2009

Any advice on trust after finding his porn?

I found out my boyfriend has been watching erotic porn movies and hiding it throughout our entire relationship. He lied about it, and denied it until he realised that I had found evidence. He has cheated on me before with his ex, one time at the beginning of our relationship, and I have worked hard at coming to trust him again. If he had told me that he watched these films every week that I wasn't with him I would not be as hurt. The fact is he covered something up and lied again. I told him it was me or the films, and he says he will stop watching, but I dont know what to believe anymore. Is it worth the heartache of trying to trust again for someone who might just let you down? My self esteem sexually is low from this too, I can't stop thinking he is thinking about the films when we are together.. ladies advice????Any advice on trust after finding his porn?
Let him watch the porn. In fact, try watching it with him. It might bring you two closer together and open up his ability to stop the lies if he sees how open you are to things.Any advice on trust after finding his porn?
guys watch porn but denying it.. if he lies to you about something stupid like porn, what else is he lying to you about and do you even really trust him after the cheating and the continous lying
i got to answer you because i pass trough too im a man i watch it , my woman find it too we deal it like friends and move over you wil have your opinion on this, what hurts more you find him with another woman or just watching flicks???
Most guys watch porn when they don't have a girlfriend.

The only time I watch porn is when I'm single and can't get laid.

This guy sounds like a sleazeball. I wouldn't waste my time with someone like that. If I were a girl.
I don't see the problem with porn, but then again, I watch it a lot too. lol Even if you don't care for porn you have to realize that guys are typically more sexually charged. It's what they think about. Having him watch porn is a lot better than having him out with his ex again.

I watched porn a lot even when I was with my ex fiance. I never thought about the porn when we were together having sex. Hope that helps.

However, if you don't have trust, there's nothing there for you. Sounds like you haven't moved on from when he cheated.
You have to stop and ask yourself .. do I love this guy and am I willing to work through the good with the bad?... also do I trust this guy?...No one can make your mind up for you , this is something your going to need time to figure out , if this is the guy you want to spend the rest of your life with... or do you deserve more?..alot of guys get into help them they think in their relationships....but don't relize it can sometimes hurt to him openly and let him know and how it makes you feel... if theres no trust there ,then you have nothing. buliding a life together is built on love, trust and being open.
My girlfriend openly watches yaoi (DONT GOOGLE IT) and it kind of creeps me out but... you know... I'm not so sure what to do if he is trying to keep it a secret. If he emotionally hurts you that bad, then (I know its mean, but) if you're ever away, call/text/IM him a fake suicide threat or threaten to break up with him (the latter being the one I'd recommend). See what's up, you know? Like that stupid taxi song, ';You don't know whatcha got til it's gone,'; is very true. Tell him you'll stay together if he tells you the truth. Just advice, don't blame me!
Cheating is going back!!! what the for the porn, it should be a reminder that men do not change their ways and he doesnt care if you trust him or not or he wouldnt do a thing to misguide your trust right?! I would definately be a strong woman and leave him. Live for yourself and liberate yourself from this horrible situation!
dump him!!!
its not a good thing to let him lie to you, your going to have to adress the matter with him if youre goin to ant things to get better, and if he says he will stop and you dont think you can trust him, keep an extra eye out for trouble, if there is another incident like this or his last lie you should find someone more honest or get some porn of your own.
my feelings,if my guy watched porn it would make me content,guys arnt like girls they need a stimulus thought alone doesnt work too well.while hes getting your attention when your with him and seeking it from videos when your not then he isn't gonna find himself with the need to go out and cheat it logic.Porn isnt cheating its getting him to the point he needs to be at when you arnt there to get him there.Tell him to ditch the porn and you then could possibly have a need to start worrying.I'm female but even i don't understand women sometimes, how the hell can this cause trust issues.Going out for one night stands or live cam sites yeah i'd worry but porn isnt one to one its like asprin for a headache its there to soothe.
It's your call-stand tall. Accept and move on or battle and be bold about it. If he wants to really keep you he will quit and be into you. But most will have to be forced. Give him no if, ands, or buts. Just a cold turkey end to it. No more chances. Stop or be split. And that is difficult to get through with your self esteem still intact. Good Luck. I hope you come through it together.
Not a lady but listen,

1. he's not going to stop and it's unrealistic to expect him to. Being male, it's part of his DNA code to view porn.

2. a bigger issue is why on earth would he feel the need to lie about it ? Big deal.

3. ';imaginary cheating'; is no threat to you unless you make it so.

4. who cares what he's thinking about when you're doing it ? The reality is he's doing it with you and you should be happy.
i'd be more worried about the cheating than the porn. porn doesnt seem to be the issue in the relationship. he didnt want u to know that he watched porn, there is a stigmata against it... he was probably ashamed. oh and he isn't thinking about the porn when he is with u, reverse it. oh yeah, dump him, he cheated on you.
Dump the bastard.
most guys watch porn, no big deal.
Depends on what you feel comfortable with. Yeah, he should have told you in the beginning, but, well, how do you work that into a conversaton. ';Um, I watch porn, pass the potatoes?'; or ';Hey, that reminds me of a movie that I saw!'; Not really that easy, I guess.

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