Sunday, December 27, 2009

Legal advice (Inheritance,trust,minor)?

My grandmother died and her house was sold and the money was split between my older brother,younger sister,and myself.I was 16 when this happen.The lawyers said that the money would be distributed to me on my 18th birthday. (4 months from now)

I am a ward of the state and I recently found out that because i was a minor when I inherited the money,It was put into a trust.So now I will have to ask if I need the money for anything.

So what I'm asking Is that once I'm 18.Is there anything I can do to take control over my money.Like get my own lawyer and go to court.

Or is there nothing I can do about it?Legal advice (Inheritance,trust,minor)?
You need to contact who ever is the executor of the trust to see what the parameters of the trust are:

It could be that at age 18 you have access for school, housing, living then say age 25 you collect full amount or something to that extent

Now if they come back and state you can never have access for total control then that trust maybe illegally established

What happen to your older brother and his share?

Side note: KB its not worth the fight, its common set up when a person is a minor some access now all at 21. from your last postLegal advice (Inheritance,trust,minor)?
You need to get a copy of the trust to learn the terms of the trust. It is not uncommon for money left in trust for minors to be held until the minor reaches the age of 25 or 30. In our family trusts, children get 1/3 at age 25, 1/3 at age 30, and 1/3 at age 35.
You need an attorney. I think that since you are a Ward of the State that they money could go to the State for your up keep and expenses.

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