i would rather take advice from mccain. he has been through some interesting life experiences and i could really learn from him. he has age and wisdom on his side.Whose advice would you trust more? McCain or Obama?
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Obama. He has far better judgment than McCain. I will give you some examples.
1. Iraq. Obama has been against the war in Iraq from the beginning. McCain voted for the war. McCain mentioned the invasion of Iraq on 9/11/01! That is absurd. Furthermore, Obama has been calling for an intelligent withdrawal of our troops from Iraq. The Iraqi PM agrees. McCain wants to stay the course. Obama is right. McCain is wrong.
2. Afghanistan. Obama has been calling for an increase in troops to Afghanistan for over a year now. McCain has been in disagreement. Al Qaeda and the Taliban are getting stronger in Afghanistan. Our generals agree that we need more troops in Afghanistan. Obama is right. McCain is wrong.
3. Talking to Iran. Obama believes that we should talk to our friends and our foes. McCain does not believe we should engage in talks with Iran. Bush sent people to talk with Iran's leaders over a month ago. Seems like talking to them is a better option now. Obama is right. McCain is wrong.
4. Vice President selection. Obama showed wisdom when picking Biden as his VP. Biden compliments Obama well. Obama does well on domestic experience. Biden is an expert on foreign policy. He is the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He will challenge Obama in a manner that aids Obama in making the best decisions for our country. McCain pandered to women voters by choosing McCain. She is absolutely not ready to be President if McCain were to die in office. She is a proven liar and she possibly abused her power as governor. Obama is right. McCain is wrong.
5. Regulation of big businesses. With the recent turmoil on Wall Street it is quite apparent that we need wise government regulation of big business. Their corrupt and aggressive practices are partly to blame for our current financial crisis. Obama has been an advocate of wise government regulation. McCain has been a champion of deregulation. However, recently he has changed his tune and mentioned that some sort of regulation is needed. But since McCain had been a champion of deregulation, then he actually is partly to blame for the financial crisis. In an indirect manner. So, Obama is right. McCain is wrong.
I rest my case!
That all depends upon the advice. If it's personal responsibility and service to ones country, or even relationships I'd say McCain.
If it's which end of a crack pipe I should smoke out of, how to get rid of a hangover, or how to get away with attending a racist church, I'd say Obama.
If it's an economic question I need advice on, I wouldn't trust either, but McCain much more so than Obama.
Obama because I know that he is going to bring the change that I can believe in to Washington.
Although Obama may not be as experienced as McCain at least his VP pick was based on his own experience. Obama and Biden have known each other for about four years and they went on that world tour together.
Much of what Obama says is the same as what I have been promoting like regulating corporations, placing an system of affordable healthcare, and helping kids pay through college with community service.
Obama/Biden '08
Interesting question because you are asking us to think about the candidates on a personal level. While I am voting for McCain, I will not be tramatized if Obama wins, like some (now that at least he has someone with experience - Biden, on the ticket).
When you asked the question, it was immediately obvious to me whom I would trust more at a personal level, and that is McCain, hands down. Obama has been way to ';in'; with the corrupt gang in Chicago, especially since he's only been at it for so short a time period. I just would not trust his opinion unless I wanted to know how to get ahead at all costs.
This is just my opinion and what I feel. I am not trying to state any ';facts ';here.
Obama's of course. We are tired of the same old malarky from Washington. Obama comes with a totally new perspective on a lot of the issues. Its time for a REAL change. I say that Obama is the man. We need someone who is just like us. McCain is not an average american. For pete's sake he has admitted that he doesn't know much about the economy, he has more than he knows what to do with, so much that he can't remember what he has, and to top it all off, he's widdleling away. That does happen with old age.
That's a tough one.
I definitely wouldn't trust Obama because we differ in opinion greatly (for instance not giving health care to babies that are born because of a botched abortion procedure but instead putting them on a shelf in the medical waste closet until they die).
I can't see myself seeing eye to eye with that guy at all.
If I had no other choice I'd go with McCain, I respect my elders.
McCain. His experience %26amp; his reasoning.
BO only knows to gratify his ego.
McCain of course
Obama doesn't know anything McCain is a wealth of knowledge
I disagree with Obama more, but I believe him to be more honest than McCain (note: I did not say Obama never tells a lie).
Why? The evidence (when they move their mouths).
Just my opinion.
Hands down Obama.
Because he's so smart - think of how hard he had to work to get to where he is.
and why?
2 words.....sarah palin
neather... i just think McCain will F things up even more...
O. I don't want my USA to become a third world country.
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