Sunday, December 27, 2009

What advice do you have for students in high school that don't trust their teachers because they feel they

will gossip about them behind their back and also feel the teacher really could care less about them anyway?What advice do you have for students in high school that don't trust their teachers because they feel they
Ignore it. Who cares what the teacher thinks as long as its not unfairly affecting your grade?What advice do you have for students in high school that don't trust their teachers because they feel they
Its a big problem in schools now days..........

There are a number of teachers in a school district that my niece goes to. They have spoken to the school board, and it has done no good. Other parents have had problems with this teacher also and nothing was done in their case either. If there are a couple kids who need help this teacher will ignore them or she will not give them any work what so ever, she has them sit there and not do nothing. She has been known to spray all the kids with Fabreeze. Then they go into the teacher lounge and tells all the other teachers that this kid will never amount to anything because they don't want to learn and do not know why they are in school. . Well how can they when they have teachers like this?

Another problem, My niece has really large breasts, they were going to do a reduction but she is too young yet. Some kid came up and grabbed her breasts, she turned them in. Do you know what she was told? Well if your breast weren't; so big you would not have had it coming. This is a crock!

They are moving out of the school district as soon as they find housing. Many other families have also moved out of the district also.
switch schools?
Forget the teacher, in this day and age i'd be more worried about what my fellow student is carrying in his bag than any teacher. As pertaining to wheather they care less or not is irelavant, they've earned the right to enjoy there sucess not

to mention the fact that schools nothing more than rehersing

for later life in the real world, you think your teacher don't

care, wait'll you meet your boss lol. but in all fairness i have

to say, look at the attitudes of students attending school . . .

How would you like to have to put up with 36 students

for 8hrs. 5 days a week, in an atmosphear second

olny to what a cop puts up with every day, not to mention

like a cop, teachers must now find themselves asking

every time they leave for work, Will I Make It Home Alive?

leave for work, wi
You do have a right to your privacy, no matter your age.

Just because you're young, doesn't mean teachers have

the right to belittle or violate your confidence and privacy,

no-one does.

Tell someone in authority of this problem, hopefully they will

listen, and help.

God Bless You.
All of my teachers in high school would gossip about everybody including me. Onc ei trusted one english teacher that seemed veyr nice and helpful and she told every single english teacher about my personal problems. She even told my conselours..when it even wasnt a life and death situation.. oh and also my spanish teacher would stand outside the door and she would watch all the couples and then gossip about them..and invite rumors. bad teachers!!!1 dont trust them!!!
Teachers deal with many, many students a day, especially high school teachers. They have to grade papers, make lesson plans, monitor the lunchroom and a ton of other stuff. They don't have TIME to talk about one student unless it's about his/her grades!
maybe its better to stay away a little to them..never trust them that fully and have limitations..._c';,)

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