Sunday, December 27, 2009

Do You Trust Other Parents' Advice On Y!A?

Or are you weary of the advice people have to offer? Who do you really turn to when you need answers?

Apparently a user by the name of Prime Minister of PM has been pretending to be other users on this site, a group of friends, and asking ridiculous questions and offering silly answers. This person is a troll and is trying to stir up trouble, so just ignore the person.Do You Trust Other Parents' Advice On Y!A?
when i need an answer i turn to my husband.

when i want a debate i come on here.

i would trust quite a few people on here to keep me thinking, laughing, and even give some occasional ideas related to parenting. i'm certainly not going to have them substitute for my pediatrician or my own judgment, and i hope nobody else would, either.

as for your other paragraph, i trust most the other users on here to be smart enough to be able to figure that out.Do You Trust Other Parents' Advice On Y!A?
I never truly take parenting advice from people on here. I love hearing other parents views and arguments on situations, but it's not something I take to heart. I honestly don't think any parent would truly get advice from any site. I think most are just looking for the views on the topic. And believe me, you won't just get one side or another, you'll get about 7 different sides, sides you didn't even think were possible LOL.
I would never actually be so clueless in my life that i would decide things based on faceless user's advice on the internet.

I like to see what people opinions are, and how they'd react to the same situations. I don't pick one and go..okay that's what i'll do. Just looking for other perspectives.

That person is an idiot. Probably a pathetic wannabe who feels they don't fit in anywhere. Someone so insecure and unwell they have to pretend they belong to a group they don't even know. As a PM I am insulted and disgusted by the mockery this person is making of the y/a parenting section. It is a serious Question Answer site dammit!
I have 3 relatives under the age of 1. No I don't really trust parents advice on Y!A because the doctors of my 3 relatives don't even agree on most things. Sometimes when the 3 doctors disagree one of us might post a question to see which doctor's advice is the most widely given by pediatricians to parents.
To be honest I do take some of the advice from the parents who are not on here trying to be super-mom or super-dad. Those parents I ignore. Those who give true honest responses I do think about.

As for the Prime Minister person to me they are no different than the super-moms or super-dads who offer up advice that they themselves probably don't even fallow.
For serious, personal issues and situations, I don't bring those to Y/A

There are a lot of creative ideas to be shared in this forum. Lots of parents have better ideas than I do for kids outings, how to handle punishments, fun meals, etc. So yes I absolutely take and trust and appreciate other parents advice.
I do take others suggestions into consideration but to be honest this is the last place I would come for real parenting advice. If I want a remedy for a stain, or to poll parents on which medicine they like I may ask, but if it is really serious I am not getting my answer on here!

*wow! Thanks Judo, I knew you loved me :)*
I've gotten some pretty decent advice on here, but it's not the only thing I go by. I read, talk to my ped, use common sense/motherly instinct, etc.

But if I need some quick advice for something like comforting my teething baby, I'll come here. I'm not stupid enough to follow the advice to give my baby a shot of whiskey, but most of the things are what real mother have done for their real babies--and worked.
i always weigh the options. i always research. Y!A is just another place to research.

as far as the people go, i dont intend to get to know any of them.
im always wary of advice from any source.

PS Everyone on Y!A is a troll by one definition or another.

*Aww Judo its so nice that you dont mention me by name, but I know that you are talking about me!
**** no.

Up the punx.
but,but, I really don't know.

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