The mother had a caesairan. The 12 puppies were all doing great till last night. It has been 9 days now. One of them has passed on. We were told by our Vet and our Friends we need to bottle feed. Well that is not working for all of them. The mother is Doing great now and alot of them feed off of her. The one that died would not urinate or drop any stools. Now another is doing the same. This is all different from what i am used to. I have breed cockerspaniels and was never to touch the puppies and let the mother do the work.Everything! Now i have to make them urinate, bath them, Bottle feed them, and watch them DIE....I am really in a bind here and dont know who to talk to and would like to have everyones advice and take the best from it. I have contacted 4 other vets and 2 agree and the other 2 don't. We are feeding them Goats milk and this was autorized by my vet. I really dont want to lose anymore. Quick answers would be much appriecated!
ThanksI Have 12 Puppies from an AKC Boxer. I dont trust the vet or the breeders i have been with. Need advice. 1 die
You need to find a mentor in your area that can come and help you during the first weeks of the puppies' lives. Whether it be a vet that you trust of a breeder friend that you trust. Someone with a lot of experience needs to be there to help you. Call your boxer's breeder. She should be very happy to help you with the puppies. That's why you pay all that money for the puppy in the first place so that the breeder will answer any question that arises with the health of you dog for its lifetime.I Have 12 Puppies from an AKC Boxer. I dont trust the vet or the breeders i have been with. Need advice. 1 die
In some cases especially with large litters some of the puppies and or kittens urinary and GI tracts are underdeveloped and they lack the physical ability to evacuate themselves this causes a lot of suffering on the part of the animal and the outcome is a long slow painful death. The unfortunate reality of it is a humane euthanasia or let the animal suffer your choice.
This is why people say to spay and neuter. Its not worth the heartache or the work(or the money)
This is sad. There are mothers milk formulas for puppies. You would be better off feeding one of these. You can get pre-mixed or powder. The powder is usually cheaper and all you have to do is add water. I had bottle babies and the little puppy bottles did not work for them. I had to use regular size baby bottles and make the holes in the nipples bigger. You don't say how old they are but if they still need help eliminating, then I would say to make sure they are fed every three to four hours. If the mother can't care for them then you will have to help them eliminate as well as bottle feeding. Also, make sure they are kept warm if momma is not doing that. It really does sound as if you are overwhelmed by this - have you thought about contacting a rescue. They usually have experienced volunteers that can take care of the puppies. If you do not want to relinquish the pups, then they would probably be willing to give you instructions. Sometimes it is better to be shown what to do in these cases.
Sounds like the mother might need help feeding them. Get some milk replacer and see if you can get the puppies to wean some on the replacer. That way the puppies will have her and the milk replacer. My Great Pyrenees's breeder had to do that because there were always so many puppies in each litter, he always helped his two brood bitches feed the puppies.
In large litters like this the mom often can't or won't do everything and there often is not enough milk for everyone either. I agree with your vet. It's also not unusual to lose 1 or 2 pups in a litter. I say spay her so you don't have to worry about this again and leave breeding to the pros.
12 puppies are a very large litter for a Boxer. I had a Great Dane years ago that had 6 female and 6 males. I had to supplement bottle feeding with nursing and they all lived. The mother only has 8 nipples and for large breeds like the Boxer, the mother can't keep up with the demand of so many puppies. You MUST bottle feed 3-4 times a day until the pups are weaned at about 6 weeks, when they start eating real food.
The one pup that died probably had something wrong with it. Something happened during gestation. With so many pups, there's just not enough room for the pups to grow properly. Many times than not, some do die. Especially the weaker ones. You must make sure all these pups are getting enough milk. Goats milk is okay, so is the canned milk formulated for bottle feeding pups in the pet stores. You can also use canned evaporated milk cut 50% with water, this is what I used. Make sure the hole in the bottle is big enough so the pup doesn't have to work really hard to get the milk. You can burn the hole with a hot needle. Don't make the hole too big or the pup can aspirate the milk into the lungs. You can always make it bigger. When the nipple is in the pup's mouth, press lightly on each side of the mouth to maintain suction. When the pup is about 2 weeks old, add a little Baby Rice Cereal to the mixture to help keep the pups full longer. It also puts lots of weight on the puppies.
You have your work cut out for you. Good luck.
try this she had so many pups separate the group and let some feed for a while and then the others. any time you breed you have to step up or they will die. I've never used goats milk i always use baby formula no iron!!! and i have kept lots of pups alive for years.. if you do not stimulate the pups they will not poop also burp the pups very gently see if mom will help with the pups MOST of the time mom is right if there is something wrong with a pup she will not feed it take it to a vet to be checked for a split pallet. or a enlarged heart or a liver shunt.
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