Well this gonna be really hard but I don't know what to do I did all I can but my parents won't get through their heads.. Heres the deal.
I am 15 and I snuck out a car and drove down a nearby highway and on my way home the car broke down... I paniced but I called my older brother and I felt bad making him drive all the way to get me but he did. After that I had no choice to tell my dad about the situation .. he was pissed I don't wanna explain the details of what happen but He get the car back and he told the car had no insurance .. Plus I was underage and leaving a car down in the high could get flag by the cops and then some but after that both my mom and dad don't trust me at all. I don't know what to do i never been in this much trouble... I just wanna know what to do to make them trust me a little aleast..I need advice... How do i gain my parents trust?
By your actions you have taught them not to trust you. The only way to get them to trust you again is for you to teach them that you can be trusted; and you do that through your actions and attitude toward them. You need to accept what ever punishment they give for your wrong actions (realize that you deserve it). Then in all things obey them and honor them. As you show them that you are a responsible and trustworthy person you will be teaching them to trust you again. It will not happen overnight. The actions and attitudes of children teach their parents they way to respond to them. So the ball is totally in your court as to how much they will trust you and how soon it will be. Good luck.I need advice... How do i gain my parents trust?
Get your homework done without being told. Clean up voluntarily. Do good in school. Talk to them about it, really apologize, bring it up before they do. Be all the qualities of a good kid. Good Luck =]
My son was in your situation a few times . it will take time but you can build your parents trust by doing the right things whatever they ask do it ,and do things that they don't ask you to do . It will take time but you can prove yourself .
Trust comes when they can expect you to do what you know is right even when they aren't there. You screwed that up but good when you took a car without permission.
The only way to get their trust back is to follow through on any punishment they give you without complaint. Then spend the time it takes following the rules and doing the right things. Expect them to check up on you and don't get bent out of shape when they do. Eventually you'll find them checking less and less often. Well, if you're really doing everything you should be anyway.
Dude, you made a bad choice. I'm sorry, but if I were one of your parents, I wouldn't trust you either for a very long time. There's no other way to regain their trust than to do what you should have been doing since the start. Be obedient (kiss their asses). Hell, I'm 17, and I've been obedient my whole life, and my parents ended up BUYING me a used car (I payed them back, but you've gotta admit...). Good luck.
wow, well that's a pretty big situation so it might take a while to gain back trust but i'd say... definitely give a sincere apology to your parents. People make mistakes, you're only human. Especially teenagers these days. You don't want this one mistake to affect your relationship with your family forever so beg for forgiveness if you have to. Let them know how you feel and tell them that you won't do it again. (you do feel bad about it or you wouldn't post it). A job would help show that you're responsible so even if they don't trust you right away, give it time. they're your parents so they want to trust you. :]
First, I did the same thing at 12..but I didn't get caught. But now that I'm older I see how dangerous it was. Anything coulda happened. As for your parents I really can't blame them, give them time you will have to earn their trust again. Do every thing they ask you to and even some things they don't. I think you are basically a good boy or it wouldn't bother you so much. Your parents will see that too..in time..
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