YOU got it.
He is lying like a drug addit looking for his next score
Obama would like to god to get out of this mess he's got himself into.
He is toast.Why should i trust someone who chooses a racist mentor/minister to advice him????
Well, he's clearly supportive of free speach....
only you can determine for yourself why and if you should---the good news is that you can choose not to
You should decide what you believe is more important facts or words.
Fact: Our potential future President has had a close 20 year relationship with an anti-American, racist pastor who he claims is a mentor and spiritual guide. Their relationship is so close that he and his wife were married by this pastor and his daughter's were baptized by him. Obama's church has given an award to Mr. Farakhan, a black militant.Obama's wife has said that in her adult life she had never had any reason to be proud of the U.S. until her husband's run for the presidency. Obama is also a friend and neighbor of Tony Rezko (Obama purchased his home from him) who has been indicted for fraud, money laundering and extortion.
Words: He did not know about Pastor Wright's comments. He did know about Pastor Wright's comments but he did not agree with them. Pastor Wright is his mentor, spiritual guide, family friend, inspiration for his first book but he has never personally heard him make any incendiary comments. On Rezko he has said that Rezko raised $100k for his campaign, but no wait he forgot that Rezko raised another $150K, so yea, total he recieved $250k. He has also claimed that his association with Rezko was a mistake.
Words, words, words, I predict he will be giving speeches in the future to clarify his stance on issues because his actions don't matter only his words.
Barack is not to be trusted, several days ago, Obama said he wasn't at the church to hear his pastor's horrible words and didn't know about them.
Today, he admits that he was there and heard these awful comments, so Obama has lied again. He's clearly unfit to be the nominee.
It would be a shame if his media surrogates continue to protect their ';darling'; and help him spin this scandal into something positive. This church honored Farrakhan with an award and this pastor made many types of unpatriotic comments about America.
I am sure you have someone in your life that is racist and you trust their opinion. I know you have a grandmother or someone like that. If you still think this way, after hearing Obama speech today. There's nothing Obama can do. Then you shouldn't vote for McCain or Hilary either. People from their camp have said racist remarks too.
hi, u shouldn't trust anyone that says stuff like that about any of the candidates. who in their right mind would believe that guy the mentor/minister? if u can't say something nice about someone then u shouldn't say anything at all. that's my answer to your ??? bb
You mean you've never known anyone that was biased against blacks, Jews, gays, women etc and still stayed their friend or family member. I know I have, I lived in Utah and I am black. I still found friendships that impacted my life. I am sad for Obama that he has worked so hard for all of his accomplishments only to be soiled by a few speeches but in a way this country needs to face our differences head on. Gosh what do people think will happen: Obama will throw all the white people in jail because rev wright has anger issues from his up bringing. We all have them as black people and white people are still safe.
If you don't know any better what can you expect?Obama was probably looking for some ideas or experience to try and run this country
if everyone took all the advice of their religious mentors, then there wouldn't be murderers and rapists.
get over it
Well, if everyone paid attention to their ministers, we wouldn't need government, or jails, because everyone would do the right things.
Well, then we can't trust the Catholic church either, they kept their pedophiles secret for MORE than 20 years. So no practicing Catholics are trustworthy either, according to your logic.
you got it...he's also lying himself silly trying to get out of this one. america's not buying it.
You shouldn't nor should anyone.
You learn what you live.
If someone around you makes a comment that is unconformable you need to tell them. How will they learn what they are saying is wrong???
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